Heartland FBLA Celebrates FBLA Week with Fun, Learning, and Prizes
The Heartland FBLA chapter celebrated FBLA Week with a variety of exciting activities, prizes, and treats, making it a memorable experience for all members. This special week aimed to engage students, promote business education, and . . .

Heartland Places Third at UNK Business Invitational
The Heartland Community Schools FBLA Chapter traveled to Kearney today to compete in the 7th Annual UNK Loper Business Invitational. Students competed by putting their knowledge to the test in three separate subjects from Business . . .

FBLA Bingo Night at Legacy Square
Members of the Heartland FBLA Chapter traveled to compete in a friendly game of BINGO against the seasoned veteran residents of Legacy Square this past Thursday. During their time at Legacy Square, the atmosphere was filled with . . .

Heartland FBLA Begins a New Year
The Heartland Future Business Leaders of America’s first meeting was held on August 21st. The 2023-24 FBLA officers are Junior Austin Schmidt, President; Senior Kaylee Goertzen, Vice President; Senior Nicholas Thieszen, Secretary; . . .

FBLA Members attend National Leadership Conference in Atlanta
The Heartland Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter traveled to Atlanta for the National Leadership Conference from June 26 to July 1. Nicholas Thieszen, Brady Goertzen, Lydia Jahnke, Siddalee . . .

Five FBLA Members will represent Nebraska at Nationals
Heartland FBLA members will represent Nebraska at the National Leadership Conference in Atlanta this summer. The conference will be held June 26 to July 1. The following students will compete: Nicholas Thieszen in Personal . . .

Heartland FBLA attends the Nebraska State Leadership Conference
Thirty-two Heartland FBLA members attended the Nebraska State Leadership Conference in Kearney on April 3-5. Fifteen students won 20 awards during the three-day conference. . . .

FBLA Members attend Peru State College Business Contest
Twenty-seven Heartland FBLA members competed at the Peru State College Business Contest on February 15. This business competition gave the Heartland FBLA members the opportunity to take practice tests to prepare for . . .

Support our FBLA Chapter
Heartland FBLA members have been fundraising every fall to help provide opportunities for all members to prepare for a career in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs. Our fall fundraiser is . . .

Ten Heartland FBLA Members Attend Fall Leadership Conference
The Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference was held on September 27 in Kearney. The conference was a one-day workshop for FBLA officers and members. The Nebraska state officers . . .

Heartland FBLA Begins a New Year
The Heartland Future Business Leaders of America’s first meeting was held on August 29. The 2022-23 FBLA officers are Senior Lilly Carr, President; . . .
Rebranding of FBLA
The rebranding of the Future Business Leaders of America organization was introduced at the 2022 National Leadership Conference in Chicago this past summer. FBLA implemented the following changes: . . .

Heartland FBLA Members attend the National Leadership Conference in Chicago
Austin Schmidt placed 7th in the nation
The Heartland Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter traveled to the Windy City for the National Leadership Conference from June 28 to July 3. Abigael Stebbing, Kale Wetjen, Riley . . .

FBLA Members attend the Nebraska State Leadership Conference
Thirty-six Heartland FBLA members attended the Nebraska State Leadership Conference in Kearney on April 11-13. Seventeen students won 23 awards during the three-day conference. Students attending the conference along with . . .

FBLA members compete at the Peru State College Business Contest
Twenty-two Heartland FBLA members competed at the Peru State College Business Contest on February 16. This business competition gave the Heartland FBLA members the opportunity to take practice tests to prepare for the . . .

Support our FBLA Chapter
Heartland FBLA members have been fundraising every fall to help provide opportunities for all members to prepare for a career in business through academic competitions, leadership development, and educational programs. Our new fall . . .

FBLA Fall Leadership Conference
The Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference was held on September 28 in Kearney. The conference was a one-day workshop for FBLA officers and members. The Nebraska state officers shared the 2020-2021 state . . .

Heartland FBLA Begins a New Year
The members of Heartland Future Business Leaders of America are excited to begin a new year. Our 2021-22 FBLA officers are Kale Wetjen, President; . . .

FBLA Member Wins National Award
Six students participated in the FBLA National Leadership Conference during the month of June. Kale Wetjen and Dawson Ohrt completed an online Personal Finance test and Owen Mierau completed an online Introduction to Business test . . .

FBLA Members qualify for Virtual National Leadership Conference
Six Heartland FBLA members qualified for the National Leadership Conference held virtually this summer. The conference will be held June 29 to July 2. The following students will compete: Dawson . . .

Heartland FBLA Members Participate in Virtual State Leadership Conference
Thirty-six Heartland FBLA members participated in the Nebraska State Leadership Conference virtually on April 14. Students participating in the conference along with adviser Kristy Most were: . . .

Twenty-three Heartland FBLA members competed virtually in the Peru State College Business Contest on February 3-5. This business competition gave the Heartland FBLA members the opportunity to take practice tests to . . .

Order your subscription today!
Heartland FBLA members have been selling magazine subscriptions as a fundraiser for many years, and it’s that time again. The goal for each member is to contact ten people to support our organization by . . .

The Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference was held on September 30. This year’s conference was a virtual experience with live and on-demand sessions for local officers, members, and . . .

Heartland FBLA Kicks Off a New Year
The Heartland Future Business Leaders of America are excited to begin a new year. Our 2020-21 FBLA officers are Kale Wetjen, President; Kaelyn Buller, Vice President; Lilly Carr, Secretary; . . .
FBLA Members win Business Awards
Seventeen Heartland FBLA members competed at the Peru State College Business Contest. Tests were taken in the following areas: Accounting, Business Communication, Business Ethics, Business Law, Business Math, . . .

The Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference was held September 24 in Hastings. The conference was a one-day workshop for FBLA officers and members. The state officers shared the 2019-20 . . .

Renew a magazine subscription
Heartland FBLA members have been selling magazine subscriptions as a fundraiser for many years, and it’s that time again. Last night a representative from Great American Opportunities led . . .

Five Heartland Future Business Leaders of America members traveled to San Antonio, Texas, for the National Leadership Conference from June 28 to July 3. Colton Monnier, Grace Janzen, Odessa . . .

FBLA Members Qualify for Nationals in San Antonio
Five Heartland FBLA members qualified for the National Leadership Conference in San Antonio, Texas. The conference will be held June 28 to July 3. The following students will compete this . . .

Heartland FBLA attends State Leadership Conference
Twenty-seven Heartland FBLA members attended the Nebraska State Leadership Conference in Omaha on April 4-6. Nine students won 17 awards during the three-day conference. Students . . .

FBLA Members compete at the Peru State College Business Contest
Fifteen Heartland FBLA members competed at the Peru State College Business Contest on February 13. This business competition gave the Heartland FBLA members the opportunity to take practice tests . . .

FBLA and FFA Thanksgiving Meal
Members of the FBLA and FFA organizations gathered on Thursday, November 15, for a Thanksgiving meal. This annual potluck dinner provides a time for fellowship and is a great beginning to the upcoming holiday . . .

FBLA Members host BINGO Night at the Care Center
Ten Heartland FBLA members hosted BINGO Night at the Henderson Care Center on Tuesday, October 23. Kate Bergen, Colton Monnier, Timberly Carr and Odessa Ohrt led the group by calling out the numbers while Kalea Wetjen handed out the . . .

The Heartland Future Business Leaders of America’s first meeting was held on August 27. The 2018-19 FBLA officers are Kate Bergen, President; Ric Bulin, Vice President; Grace Janzen, . . .
Nine Heartland Future Business Leaders of America members traveled to Baltimore, Maryland, for the National Leadership Conference from June 27 to July 2. Aaron Buller, Sadie Carr, Bailey Peters, Brittany Quiring, . . .

Heartland FBLA Members Qualify for Nationals in Baltimore
Nine Heartland FBLA members qualified for the National Leadership Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. The conference will be held June 27 to July 2. The following students will compete this . . .

Thirty-one Heartland FBLA members attended the Nebraska State Leadership Conference in Omaha on April 5-7. Twelve students won 15 awards during the three-day conference. Students . . .

Heartland FBLA Members Attend Peru State College Business Contest
Seventeen Heartland FBLA members participated in the Peru State College Business Contest on February 7. This business competition gave the Heartland FBLA members the opportunity to take practice tests to prepare for the State . . .

Heartland Members Gear Up for a New FBLA Year
The Heartland Future Business Leaders of America’s first meeting was held on August 21. The 2017-18 FBLA officers are Aaron Buller, President; Brittany Quiring, Vice President; Sadie Carr, Secretary; . . .