Ten FBLA Members Attend 2023 Fall Leadership Conference
The Nebraska FBLA Fall Leadership Conference was held on September 26 in Kearney at the Younes Conference Center. The conference was a one-day workshop for FBLA officers and members. The Nebraska State FBLA Officers shared the 2023-2024 state goals during the opening general session. Keynote speaker was Coach VJ - Vera Jo Bustos, a college basketball coach, mental performance coach, former pro basketball player, and author. Her presentation focused on self-talk and the difference between powerful self-talk and poisonous self-talk and ways to manage these mindsets.
After the opening general sessions, the officers and members attended workshops presented by the state officers including: Building the Gap, Build the Future, Champion Chapter, March of Dimes, Maximize your Experience, AI in Business, Social Media 101, and many more.
The following members attended the conference: Austin Schmidt - President, Ava Stebbing - Reporter, Hayden Mierau - Parliamentarian, Hudson Regier - Treasurer, Isabel Johnson - Committee Representative, Kaylee Goertzen - Vice President, Nicholas Thieszen - Secretary, and three additional members: Brady Goertzen, Hunter Perez, and Lydia Jahnke as well as James McCartney, Advisor.