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Heartland Holds Academic Signing Day

In 2017, Heartland Community Schools held the first Academic Letter of Intent ceremony for students who excel in the classroom. The criteria for recognition is that the student accepts a scholarship from the college they will attend that is specifically awarded for academic achievement.

On Monday, April 29, a ceremony was held to commemorate the hard work of the 2024 seniors in the classroom. Language within the academic letter of intent signed by students spoke of their commitment to continued focus on excellence in the classroom and giving of their talents to the college they are attending. By signing, the students made a public statement that they will work diligently to maintain their established pattern of academic excellence beyond high school.

School counselor Kelsey Vnoucek explained, "Academic signing encourages students to work hard towards achieving high academic goals. It demonstrates how we value students with high academic achievements on a level equal to those with athletic scholarships. This year students worked hard to fill out scholarship applications and did a fantastic job communicating them."

College representatives present for the signing included Lupe Perez from UNK, Tori Kreikemeir from UNL, Eric Preheim from Bethel College, and Lori Hogan from SCC-Milford.

Students receiving scholarships included:
Allie Boehr - UNK Distinguished Scholar
Hayden Mierau - UNK Distinguished Scholar
Hudson Regier - UNK Distinguished Scholar
Nick Thieszen - University of Nebraska-Kearney Board of Regents Scholarship, UNK Honors Program Room Scholarship, Kearney Law Opportunities Program Scholarship
Devon Homolka - O & G Kammerer Scholarship
Jack McCormick - David Distinguished Scholar Award
Hunter Perez - Husker Power Scholarship & CEHS Freshman Scholarship
Ben Janzen - Bethel Thresher Academic Scholarship
Reese Regier - Bryan Foundation Scholarship
Ava Stebbing - Concordia Regent’s Scholarship
Henric Switzer - Concordia Regent's Scholarship
Mariah Tessman - Perry Scholarship from Doane University
Kaylee Goertzen - Emmaus Academic Scholarship
Kaelyn Rose - Northwestern College Academic Achievement Award
Andrew Franz - Southeast Community Foundation Scholarship
Jacob Goertzen - Southeast Community Foundation Scholarship
Ryan Hiebner - Walter Scott Jr. Career Pathway Scholarship
Jordan Nolan - Southeast Community Foundation Scholarship

Congratulations to these students on their hard work and earned scholarships!